Fees and account numbers

Registration fee:

  • UE citizens and other countries* : 100 PLN 
  • Non-UE citizens : 100 EUR 

Entry fee, promotion "Early Bird"

  • UE citizens and other countries* : 400 PLN 0 PLN
  • Non-UE citizens : 70 EUR 0 EUR

*The group of citizens of other countries paying at EU rates include citizens of the following countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Bachelor's degree

For citizens of the European Union, other countries* and  holders of Karta Polaka (NOT Karta Pobytu)  annual tuition fee can be divided into semester instalment or monthly instalment.

*The group of citizens of other countries paying at EU rates include citizens of the following countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

semester Isemester IIYEAR
fees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/year
I630 zł53 150 zł630 zł74 410 zł7 560 zł
II680 zł53 400 zł680 zł74 760 zł8 160 zł
III760 zł53 800 zł760 zł53 800 zł7 600 zł
 Altogether23 920 zł


Finance and Accounting


I680 zł53 400 zł680 zł74 760 zł8 160 zł
II680 zł53 400 zł680 zł74 760 zł8 160 zł
III760 zł53 800 zł760 zł53 800 zł7 600 zł
 Altogether23 920 zł

Non-EU citizens need to pay tuition in year or semester installments in €. First instalment (1250 euros in the first and second year + 1500 euros in the third year) payable by 05 October. Second instalment is (1750 euros in the first and second year + 1500 euros in the third year) payable by 05 March.

Please note that citizenship is not conferred by a visa or residence card (Karta pobytu). Citizenship and temporary residence permits are different things.

semester Isemester IIYEAR
fees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/year
I€ 2505€ 1 250€ 2507€ 1 750€ 3 000
II€ 2505€ 1 250€ 2507€ 1 750€ 3 000
III€ 3005€ 1 500€ 3005€ 1 500€ 3 000
 Altogether€ 9 000
semester Isemester IIYEAR
fees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/year


Finance and Accounting

I€ 2505€ 1 250€ 2507€ 1 750€ 3 000
II€ 2505€ 1 250€ 2507€ 1 750€ 3 000
III€ 3005€ 1 500€ 3005€ 1 500€ 3 000
 Altogether€ 9 000

Master's degree

For citizens of the European Union, other countries* and  holders of  Karta Polaka (NOT Karta Pobytu) annual tuition fee can be divided into semester instalment or monthly instalment.

*The group of citizens of other countries paying at EU rates include citizens of the following countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

semester Isemester IIYEAR
fees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/year



I630 zł53 150 zł630 zł74 410 zł7 560 zł
II760 zł53 800 zł760 zł53 800 zł7 600 zł
 Altogether16 720 zł

Non-EU citizens need to pay tuition in year or semester installments in €.First instalment (1250 euros in the first and 1750 euros in the second year) payable by 05 October. Second instalment is (1500 euros in the first ans second year) payable by 05 March.

Please note that citizenship is not conferred by a visa or residence card (Karta pobytu). Citizenship and temporary residence permits are different things.

semester Isemester IIYEAR
fees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/monthnumber of paymentsfees/semesterfees/year



I€ 2505€ 1 250€ 2507€ 1 750€ 3 000
II€ 3005€ 1 500€ 3005€ 1 500€ 3 000
 Altogether€ 6 000

Account numbers


Registration fee:

  • UE citizens and other countries* : 100 PLN 
  • Non-UE citizens : 100 EUR 


Entry fee, promotion "Early Bird"

  • UE citizens and other countries* : 400 PLN 0 PLN
  • Non-UE citizens : 70 EUR 0 EUR


*The group of citizens of other countries paying at EU rates include citizens of the following countries: Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.


Payments of the application fee must be made in PLN vs Euro (depending on the currency in which the cost of studies is given for each group).
Application fee is paid once and it is non refundable in case of resignation for the program or visa refusal.'


The account numbers given below are NOT FOR DORMITORY!

Bank Account Number

(only payments in PLN)

Bank PKO BP S.A.
I O/Centrum w Łodzi
Nr: 71 1020 3352 0000 1502 0075 7005
IBAN: PL71 1020 3352 0000 1502 0075 7005

Bank Account Number

(payments only  in EURO)

Bank PKO BP S.A.
IBAN: PL78 1440 1231 0000 0000 0715 9641
Bank account holderSpoleczna Akademia Nauk
9 Sienkiewicza St., 90-113 Lodz, Poland

Application fee (passport number) name and surname of Candidate

Please make sure that you include the remarks in the payment transaction. Otherwise the payment may not get properly processed.